Tuesday 21 November 2017

Softball is played by two teams of 9 players each who try to score more runs than their opponent by rounding the bases and crossing home plate as many times as possible. The batting team stays up to bat until the fielding team puts out 3 batters.
Fielding players line up in the following positions:
  1. Pitcher - on pitching rubber
  2. Catcher - behind home plate
  3. 1st Baseman - by 1st
  4. 2nd Baseman - by 2nd
  5. 3rd Baseman - by 3rd
  6. Shortstop - between 2nd & 3rd
  7. Leftfielder - outfield between 2nd & 3rd 
  8. Centerfielder - outfield behind 2nd 
  9. Rightfielder - outfield between 1st & 2nd 

 A standard game lasts 7 innings. Each inning is divided into a top and bottom half with each team having a turn at bat. The visiting team bats the first half (or top) of each inning, and the home team bats the second half (or bottom) of the inning. A half inning is completed when the batting team gets 3 outs. If the score is tied at the end of 7 innings, extra innings are played until there is a winner.
The team that scores the most runs is the winner. A run is scored when a base runner rounds all of the bases by stepping on each one in order from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and crosses home plate.
If the ball is hit over the outfield fence in fair territory, it is considered a home run and the batter has a free trip all the way around the bases until she crosses home plate.
Grand slam - A home run that's hit with the bases loaded (runners on every base.) All of the base runners round the bases and go home for a total of 4 points.
 A batter is out if:
  • she hits the ball and it's caught while it's in the air, which is known as a fly ball
runner is out if:
  • she is hit by a batted ball while off a base.
  • a fielder tags her with the ball when she is not touching a base.
  • she runs more than 3 feet out of the baseline to avoid being tagged.
  • a fielder with the ball tags a base at which there is a force play before the forced runner reaches the base.
  • she fails to tag up and is thrown out.
  • she runs past a base runner that's ahead of her.


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