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The playing field is divided into fair territory and foul territory. Fair territory was inside two foul lines and foul territory was outside the foul lines. 

The infield is square called a diamond. There are four base at each corner which is first base, second base, third base, dan home plate.
The pitching distances is measured from the point of the home plate to the front edge of the pitchers plate.

The outfiled is the grassy area beyond the infield. It also extends the entire width of the field and to the outfield. 

A softball 'diamond' consists of four bases placed in a squre. At the one corner of the diamond is the home plate and than the three more is the bases are numbered counter clockwise as first base, second base, and third base.

The backstop is the area which is behind the home plate.

Batters and Catcher's Box
The batter's boxes are the rectangular areas besides the home plate. Meanwhile, the catcher's box is behind the home plate.

Coaches Box
A coaches box is located in foul territory outside both baselines.

Foul Lines
The two foul lines meet at a right angle at home plate which is between first and third base line. A ball that hits the foul line is called fair.

Foul Poles
Poles stationed at the end of each foul line to distinguish fair territory from foul terriroty for balls hit over the outfield fence. A ball that hits the foul poles is home run.

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In softball, 7 innings is the most common in every game. However, some game can last from 3 to 7 innings. The teams take turns batting in each innings and bats until three batter have been put out. It depends on each league how to decide which team that will bats first, but the most common rule is that the home team bats second which also can be called as "last at-bat".

If the game is tie, there will be extra innings played until the tie is broken, but only in certain tournaments. In some tournaments or championship, if the home team is leading and the road team has just finished its half of the seventh inning, the game will end. In all forms of softball, the defensive team is the fielding team and the offensive team is batting and is trying to score runs.

The pitcher stands at the pitching plate and attempts to throw the ball past the batter to the catcher behind home plate. The pitch must be made with an underarm motion which is the ball must be released below the hip when the hand is no farther from the hip than the elbow to get it in the strike zone.

There is two types of pitch :

Fast pitch - played primarily by woman and features very quick pitches with large wind-ups.

Slow pitch - typically coed and as the name suggest, the ball is pitched by lobbing it in a high, slow arc toward home plate.

The batting order which is the order the player bat in must stay the same throughout the game. Substitutes must bat in the same position as the player they are replacing. The offensive team sends one batter at a time.

There is two batter's box each on the both sides of home plate. The batter can choose which side of the plate to hit from, but both of batter feet must be inside the box. They attempts to score runs by hitting the ball. The batter may continue to hit until they hit the ball in fair territory, get 3 strikes, or get 4 balls.

A bunt is also another form of batting. There are two types of bunt which sacrifice bunt and slap bunt.

Getting the batter out
The batter is out if :
1. Three strike
2. A ball hit by the batter is caught before touching the ground
3. The batter goes to a base that is already tagged
4. A fielder holding the ball touches a base which is the only base the batter may run before the batter reach there
5. The batter has two strikes and swings at strike three. If the catcher doesn't catch the ball, the batter has the chance to run to first base

Scoring runs
A run is scored when a base runner rounds all of the bases by stepping on all the four bases in order. If the ball is hit over the outfield fence in fair territory, it is considered a home run and the batter has a free trip all the way around the bases until she crosses home plate. 

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Image credit: Shutterstock.com
A game of softball involves team members taking turns as batters to play against the other team of fielders. It consist of a pitcher, a catcher, three basemen, a shortstop, and three outfielders.


A team sends one batter out to the field at a time. The batter competes against the entire opposing team, which will strategise in a bid to prevent the batter from getting to the bases before the ball does. The game begins with the batter hitting the ball, thrown by the pitcher using a bat. He or she will then drop the bat and run, attempting to make it to first base before the ball, depending on where the ball lands.


The pitcher throws, or pitches, the ball from the pitcher’s mound. He or she must always stand with both feet on the pitcher’s rubber which is a rectangular area on the mound when making the pitch. The rubber and the mound are all on level ground. However, once the ball has been hit, the pitcher must ensure that neither foot is on the rubber. The pitcher usually pitches from under the arm and the ball should pass through a strike zone. The location of the strike zone, an imaginary area from the chest to just below the knee, depends on the pitcher’s position and stature. Height is an advantage for pitchers, as well as upper body agility and strength.


Positioned in a crouch behind the home plate, the catcher plays a crucial role in helping to gain points. Helping to throw balls ahead of the batter before he or she can reach the bases, the catcher also catches balls fielded from third base. A catcher must also call pitches and communicate the number of outs, strikes, and whatever is going on at the home base to the rest of the players.

First baseman

The first baseman of each team will stand at the first base, to the right of the pitcher. He or she will catch throws at first base in order to prevent the other team from scoring.

Second baseman

You will find the second baseman at the second base, which is positioned opposite the home base across the field. Also known as the second bagger sometimes, he or she does not usually stand at the exact right angle that marks the second base, but more towards the first base instead. The second baseman may catch balls at second base, as well as help the first baseman, or even throw balls to the pitcher to help eliminate the opponent, depending on where the ball ends up. Second base players are commonly right-handed.


The shortstop stands between the second and third bases, and is responsible for balls that end up in that area. In fact, most balls actually do end up there. The shortstop has many responsibilities, including catching and fielding, and are very versatile and agile players. This is perhaps the most difficult position on the field.

Third baseman

The remaining base is reserved for the third baseman. This area is the corner diagonally opposite the first base. The third baseman has to catch the hits that land around his or her area, in addition to their most important responsibility is to throw the ball, if they get it, to the catcher before the opponent reaches the home plate.


There are three outfielders and it was called as right fielder, centre fielder, and left fielder. The outfielders are positioned outside the area marked by the four bases (infield square), with the right one standing closest to first base. Their job is to catch and throw balls that fly out of the infield, backing up their teammates at the bases. Because of their distance from the rest of the game, outfielders are usually strong throwers.
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Softball is played by two teams of 9 players each who try to score more runs than their opponent by rounding the bases and crossing home plate as many times as possible. The batting team stays up to bat until the fielding team puts out 3 batters.
Fielding players line up in the following positions:
  1. Pitcher - on pitching rubber
  2. Catcher - behind home plate
  3. 1st Baseman - by 1st
  4. 2nd Baseman - by 2nd
  5. 3rd Baseman - by 3rd
  6. Shortstop - between 2nd & 3rd
  7. Leftfielder - outfield between 2nd & 3rd 
  8. Centerfielder - outfield behind 2nd 
  9. Rightfielder - outfield between 1st & 2nd 

 A standard game lasts 7 innings. Each inning is divided into a top and bottom half with each team having a turn at bat. The visiting team bats the first half (or top) of each inning, and the home team bats the second half (or bottom) of the inning. A half inning is completed when the batting team gets 3 outs. If the score is tied at the end of 7 innings, extra innings are played until there is a winner.
The team that scores the most runs is the winner. A run is scored when a base runner rounds all of the bases by stepping on each one in order from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and crosses home plate.
If the ball is hit over the outfield fence in fair territory, it is considered a home run and the batter has a free trip all the way around the bases until she crosses home plate.
Grand slam - A home run that's hit with the bases loaded (runners on every base.) All of the base runners round the bases and go home for a total of 4 points.
 A batter is out if:
  • she hits the ball and it's caught while it's in the air, which is known as a fly ball
runner is out if:
  • she is hit by a batted ball while off a base.
  • a fielder tags her with the ball when she is not touching a base.
  • she runs more than 3 feet out of the baseline to avoid being tagged.
  • a fielder with the ball tags a base at which there is a force play before the forced runner reaches the base.
  • she fails to tag up and is thrown out.
  • she runs past a base runner that's ahead of her.

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Although many people assume that softball was derived from baseball, the sport’s first game actually came about because of a football game. The history of softball dates back to Thanksgiving Day of 1887, when several alumni sat in the Chicago, Illinois Farragut Boat Club, anxiously awaiting the outcome of the Yale versus Harvard football game. When Yale was announced as winner, a Yale alumnus playfully threw a boxing glove at a Harvard supporter. The Harvard fan swung at the balled-up glove with a stick, and the rest of the group looked on with interest. George Hancock, a reporter for the Chicago Board of Trade, jokingly called out, “Play ball!” and the first softball game commenced with the football fans using the boxing glove as a ball and a broom handle in place of a bat.

Due to the initial excitement surrounding the game, the Farragut Boat Club decided to officially devise their own set of rules, and the game quickly leaked to outsiders in Chicago and, eventually, throughout the rest of the Midwestern U.S. As the history of softball shaped itself over the next decade, the game went under the guise of “indoor baseball,” “kitten baseball,” “diamond ball,” “mush ball,” and “pumpkin ball.” In 1926, Walter Hakanson coined the term “softball” while representing the YMCA at a National Recreation Congress meeting, and by 1930, the term stuck as the sport’s official name. 

In 1934, the Joint Rules Committee on Softball collaborated to create a set of standardized rules. Up until this point, the game was being played with varied rules, player positions, and ball sizes. The original softball used by the Farragut Boat Club was 16 inches in circumference. However, Lewis Rober Sr., the man responsible for organizing softball games for firefighters in Minneapolis, used a 12-inch ball. Rober’s ball won out as the preferred softball size, and professional softball games today are played using a 10–12-inch ball. However, many Chicagoans still hold fast to the belief that real softball is played using a 16-inch ball. Games using these 16-inch balls are often referred to as “cabbage ball,” “super slow pitch,” and “mush ball,” and unlike competitive softball, players are not allowed to wear fielding gloves.

While the sport was originally advertised as an indoor game for baseball players looking to maintain their dexterity during the off season, it gained so much popularity and recognition that it quickly became its own official sport. In 1991, women’s fast pitch softball was added to the roster of the 1996 Summer Olympics—a landmark many people recognize as the ultimate success of a sport. Although softball was later dropped from the 2012 Summer Olympics lineup, the game is still one of the most popular participant sports in the United States and 113 countries have officially joined the International Softball Federation since the organization’s formation in 1952.

According to the official rules developed early in the history of softball, and eventually defined by the International Softball Federation, there are nine players on the field at a time. The players take the positions of pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second baseman, shortstop, third baseman, and outfielder. Usually, there are three outfielders holding the positions of right fielder, left fielder, and center fielder. However, slow pitch softball allows for a fourth person in the outfield. Similar to baseball, the team with the most runs at the end of the seventh inning is named the winner. However, if the teams are tied at the end of the seventh inning, the game can go into extra innings, until the tie is broken.

Today, softball is one of the most popular sports in the country, and an estimated 40 million Americans engage in at least one softball game each year. Because it can be played on either a field or an indoor arena, softball games are played year round and involve teams with players as young as 8 years old and some players over 60 years in age. Softball is sometimes played by corecreational leagues, where both women and men play on the same teams, but the rules are generally modified to reduce physical inequalities between the sexes. Often, companies and organizations form amateur coed teams to play for benefits and charity fund-raiser events.
The history of softball is still unfolding, and the game has undergone numerous modifications since its creation in 1887, but it is still one of the most preferred sports games in the country and has developed a following in several countries throughout the world, especially in Australia, China, and Japan. Loved by amateurs and professionals of all ages and athletic backgrounds, the world can only anticipate what is in store for the future of America’s other favorite pastime.

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Softball Facts

The game of softball is similar to baseball but it is played with a larger ball and on a smaller playing field. Softball was invented in Chicago, Illinois in 1887 and was originally an indoor sport. Although it was known by various different names in the beginning, it finally got its official name of 'softball' in 1926. In 1933 a softball tournament at the Chicago World's Fair prompted a lot of interest in the game. That same year the Amateur Softball Association of America was founded. Today the Amateur Softball Association of America governs softball in the United States and also sponsors annual sectional and softball World Series championships. Prior to 2013 the International Softball Federation regulated the rules of play in more than 110 countries. When the World Baseball Softball Confederation was formed in 2013 they took over this role.

Interesting Softball Facts:

The game of softball came from George Hancock. He is credited as the game's inventor and the inventor of the undersized bat and the ball.
The name 'softball' was coined by Walter Hakanson in 1926 at a National Recreational Congress meeting.
The first rules for softball were published in 1889.
Softball has been called indoor baseball, playground softball, mush ball, and kitten ball.
Softball has been referred to as ladies' baseball because it was generally played by women.
There are two types of softball = slow-pitch and fast-pitch.
Slow-pitch softball is the most commonly played and in this type of softball the ball must arch in the air when it is pitched. There is no stealing or bunting allowed.
In fast-pitch softball the ball is thrown fast and bunting and stealing are permitted. There are nine players from each team on the field at a time.
When playing softball the ball must be pitched underhand.
A softball game is only seven innings instead of the nine innings in a baseball game.
Although the game is called softball, the ball itself is not soft. It is larger than a baseball, usually measuring about 12 inches in circumference while a baseball is only 9 inches in circumference.
The softball infield is smaller than one on a baseball field. In softball the bases are 60 feet apart and on a baseball diamond the bases are 90 feet apart.
At the 1996 Olympics every softball game was sold out.
The first World Softball Championship game was played in 1965 in Melbourne, Australia. It was a woman's tournament.
Softball became a women's Olympic sport in 1991. Its debut as a medal event was in 1996 at the Atlanta Olympic Games.
In 2006, following the Beijing Olympic Games, softball was removed from the Olympics by vote.
The United States won the gold medal in the Olympics for softball in both 1996 and 2000.
In 1934 the Joint Rules Committee on Softball was established and they standardized both the name and the rules for the United States.
There are more than 110 countries that are active International Softball Federation members. The game is now played on every continent in the world.
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Catcher's Accessories

A number of equipment is required for playing softball. A helmet, chest protector, and shin guards are the main equipment required for safety and to play softball, we require a ball, a bat, gloves, and uniforms.


The batsmen use bat to hit the ball and score runs for team. The bat is made up of wood, aluminium or from metals. The shape of the bat is like a cylinder and its diameter is 6 inches. The length of the bat varies but it cannot be greater than 86 cm.The diameter of the barrel is 2ÂĽ inches. Normally, players prefer smaller barrel bat because they can swing the bat easily. Bats having smaller barrel also reduces weight. The weight of the bat is 1.2 kilograms.


As the name of the sport is softball, a ball is the centre of the game. But despite its name, the ball which is used is not soft. Softball is derived from the famous American sport baseball which is mainly played by men. But softball is meant for women. As this sport is mainly dominated by women, the name of the game is softball.


In American Softball Association, the size of the gloves cannot exceed 36 centimetres. In softball matches, all defensive players wear fielding gloves. But there are normally different size of gloves available for players at different positions on the field.


To increase bond among a players in a team, uniforms are provided. Each team wears different uniforms. Uniforms include helmets, head bands, visors, caps, shoes, shocks, shirt and pant, tight sliding undershorts etc.
For female players, uniforms like headbands and caps are optional. These are mandatory for male players but those who wear a helmet are not required to wear headbands or caps.
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Softball is a variant of baseball played with a larger ball on a smaller field. It was invented in 1887 in Chicago, Illinois, United States as an indoor game. It was at various times called indoor baseball, mush ball, playground, softball, kitten ball, and because it was also played by women, ladies' baseball. The name softball was given to the game in 1926, because the ball used to be soft.

      A tournament held in 1933 at the Chicago World's Fair spurred interest in the game. The Amateur Softball Association (ASA) of America (founded 1933) governs the game in the United States and sponsors annual sectional and World Series championships. The World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) regulates rules of play in more than 110 countries, including the United States and Canada; before the WBSC was formed in 2013, the International Softball Federation filled this role. Women's fast pitch softball became a Summer Olympic sport in 1996, but it and baseball were dropped from the 2012 Games; they will be reinstated for the 2020 Games.

      There are three types of softball. In the most common type, slow-pitch softball, the ball, which can measure either 11 or 12 inches in circumference depending on gender and league, must arch on its path to the batter, and there are 10 players on the field at once. In fastpitch softball, the pitch is fast, there are nine players on the field at one time, and bunting and stealing are permitted. Modified softball restricts the windmill windup of the pitcher, although the pitcher is allowed to throw as hard as possible with the restricted back swing. Softball rules vary somewhat from those of baseball. Two major differences are that the ball must be pitched underhand—from 46 ft (14 m) for men or 43 ft (13.1 m) for women as compared with 60.5 ft (18.4 m) in baseball and that seven innings instead of nine constitute a regulation game.

      Despite the name, the ball used in softball is not very soft. It is about 12 in (30.5 cm) in circumference (11 or 12 in for slow-pitch), which is 3 in (8 cm) larger than a baseball. Softball recreational leagues for children use 11-inch balls until they participate in travel ball around age 12 and adjust to a 12 inch sized ball. The infield in softball is smaller than on an adult or high school baseball diamond but identical to that used by Little League Baseball; each base is 60 ft (18 m) from the next, as opposed to baseball's 90 ft (27 m). In fast pitch softball the entire infield is sand, whereas the infield in baseball is grass except at the bases which are sand.
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